Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Whole30: Day 2

I pigged out last night!

No worries. It was all compliant. But I sure did have the evening munchies.

After my bowl of chili, I had two bananas and five slices of ham wrapped around avocado and sprouts. It was delicious but obviously too much. I know I am so used to having a sweet evening snack that I am going to have to work hard to break that habit. Even if the snack food is stuff I am allowed.

This morning started off with a trip to the garden for some rainbow chard. Oh, and a big cup of coffee to wake me up. I realize this is not part of the Whole30 principles, but I'm trying! I stayed up late binge watching Orange Is The New Black.

The chard was sautéed and plated along with some warmed smoked salmon and two over easy eggs. Dear Mother Nature, I love breakfast!

I was feeling snacky mid-morning. What is with me and the snacking!? I had a small handful of raw almonds and a banana. Lunch was leftover Chocolate Chili with raw cabbage. The cabbage adds this wonderful crunch. I've been eating it like this for a while and really, who would have thought?

Afternoon=more snacking. Small handful of macadamia nuts.

Dinner= Leftover roast chicken, salad, asparagus, and a small sweet potato. Yes, it was as good as it looks. Roast chicken is the best.

I've got a tall glass of water to keep my mouth busy, my copy of It Starts With Food by my side to glance at when I feel the urge to snack, and more Orange Is The New Black to watch.

Physically I am feeling tired. I got a lot of garden work and other chores done today but had no real energy to speak of. I'm broke out like a 15 year old boy and I am convinced it is from the yucky food I ate a few days ago. My belly is bloated. Oh poor me. And I have a headache. Forgot to mention that. I'm looking forward to seeing how my skin and belly react to this super clean diet.

Emotionally I'm okay. Really wanting chocolate sometimes. Other times I could care less. Willpower is pretty high right now. Day2 is done.

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