Friday, August 16, 2013


Early morning chicken chores are just a day to day norm around here. Keeping chickens gives the kids their very own very important responsibilities. It also enables us to know where our breakfast comes from and to take responsibility for that as well.

These beauties are the product of happy healthy well cared for hens. We treat them well and in turn they feed us well. Eggs are a very large part of our diet around here.
It was a very happy day when these new books arrived. I've already made three things from Against all Grain. We have a portion of a pig coming in a month and I plan on putting Beyond Bacon to work then.

One of my very favorite things is butternut squash soup. I am particularly fond of the recipe in Practical Paleo. I had someone give me two big beautiful butternuts and I used one to make this batch. I love pairing this soup with a steak that has been grilled to perfection. The flavors compliment each other so well.

And in keeping with my love of orange veggies, I made some spectacular sweet potato hash. Aren't vegetables pretty?

I am sorry to admit that I didn't succeed with my Whole30. I'm not going to make excuses. I'm not going to beat myself up. I did not completely fall off the Primal wagon. But I haven't been super strict Whole30 either. When I feel like the time is right, I will give it another go.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Whole30 Restart

Tomorrow I am restarting my Whole30. Although I have kept it very clean there have been a few circumstances where I am pretty sure I ingested an off plan ingredient.

Like that burger at the theme park. Bunless as it was I am convinced it was just a soy patty masquerading as a sirloin burger. Or the dinner at a friend's house. I think there was some dairy in there.

Tonight is our  anniversary so I am going to raise my glass and toast seven long yet wonderful years of marriage. At least the beer is homebrew and we know what went into it.

Tomorrow will be the start of another Whole30 attempt so September 6th will be my official end date. I always do better with even numbers anyways. But its too bad because I had just gotten used to drinking my coffee sans cream.

To add some visuals to this post, here are a few meals I ate over the past 5 days of almost perfect Whole30 eating.

Salad eggs are a favorite. Obviously.

Egg salad made with Paleo mayo from Nom Nom Paleo's fabulous recipe collection.

A yummy chicken dish from Practical Paleo with a sweet potato topped with ghee.

Salad eggs and a bit of ham steak.

Chicken topped with a coconut veggie reduction and a sweet potato on the side.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Whole 30 Day 1

Yesterday was the first day of the Whole30. I attempted one of these a few months ago and didn't make it past day 2 before giving into the temptation of a glass of wine. I'm a bit more motivated now and am really and truly interested to see what my body can accomplish with 30 days of no dairy, alcohol, or sugar. I cut the grains out a long time ago so that is a non issue.

Day 1 consisted of black coffee. Salad eggs for breakfast. Carnitas and avocado for lunch. A peach and two slices of Applegate farms turkey as a snack. And one giant ribeye with mushrooms and sweet potato for dinner.

Good luck to any and everyone participating in a month of uber clean eating!